Introduction to Self-Inflicted Stressors
Self-inflicted stressors can be the most frustrating because we bring them upon ourselves. Joline shares examples of how to tame our self-inflicted financial stressors and shift into a more positive set of behaviors.
Living Beyond Your Means
It is easy to live beyond means. The entire world is set up to encourage us to do that. Living within your means is less stressful, and Joline shares ways to support your state of consciousness to examine change and values to help shift your reality.
What if I Don’t Have Any Savings?
There are lots of new ways to come up with cash. Joline brainstorms ways to help you begin to put a little stash aside to start developing your safety net.
Handling Financial Shame
It is common to feel shame when we screw something up and don’t know how to fix it, all the more so when it involves finances. Joline encourages us to move into the light, develop new habits, re-identify values, and find purpose in getting your way out of this financially stressful situation.
Failure to Adapt
Change is uncomfortable, but failing to change can put us in dire straights. Anticipate, keep learning and stay ahead of the curve to adapt to change in any situation.